As a copy editor, one of the most common errors I come across is incorrect verb agreement. Verbs are one of the most important parts of speech in English language. They indicate the action or state of being of the subject in a sentence, and as such, they need to agree with the subject in both number and tense. Failure to do so can make your writing appear unprofessional and confusing. In this article, we’ll be discussing all verb agreement and how to use it correctly.

What is All Verb Agreement?

All verb agreement is a grammatical rule that dictates how verbs should agree with the subject(s) in a sentence. In simple terms, it means that the verb used must match the number of subjects in terms of being singular or plural. For example, if the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb used should also be singular. Similarly, if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural.


– The cat is sleeping on the couch. (singular subject “cat” requires a singular verb “is sleeping”)

– The cats are sleeping on the couch. (plural subject “cats” requires a plural verb “are sleeping”)

All verb agreement also applies to the tense of the verb. In other words, the verb used should match the tense of the subject in the sentence. For example, if the subject is in the present tense, the verb used should also be in the present tense.


– John eats a lot of pizza. (present tense subject “John” requires a present tense verb “eats”)

– John ate a lot of pizza. (past tense subject “John” requires a past tense verb “ate”)

Why is All Verb Agreement Important?

All verb agreement is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it makes your writing more clear and easy to understand. When verbs agree with their subjects, it’s easier for the reader to comprehend the message you’re trying to convey. Secondly, it enhances the professional image of your writing. Correct grammar and syntax show that you take your writing seriously and have taken the time to ensure it is polished and error-free. Lastly, it helps to avoid confusion. Incorrect verb agreement can lead to misunderstandings and ambiguity, which can be detrimental to the overall message you’re trying to communicate.

Tips for Using All Verb Agreement Correctly:

– Identify the subject(s) of your sentence and determine whether they are singular or plural

– Choose the appropriate verb that matches the number of the subject(s). For example, if the subject is singular, use a singular verb.

– Ensure the tense of the verb matches the tense of the subject in the sentence.

– Pay attention to subjects that are connected by conjunctions such as “and” and “or”. When two or more subjects are connected by “and”, the verb used should be plural. When two or more subjects are connected by “or”, the verb used should agree with the subject closest to it.

– Be consistent in your use of verb agreement throughout your writing.

In conclusion, all verb agreement is a fundamental rule of English grammar that is essential for clear communication and professional writing. Understanding and using it correctly will greatly enhance the quality of your writing and avoid unnecessary confusion for your readers. Remember to always pay attention to the number and tense of the subject(s) in your sentences and choose the appropriate verb to match.