According to the US 1907 Gentlemen`s Agreement with Japan, there was a significant restriction on Japanese immigration to the United States. This agreement was a result of various tensions between the two countries, particularly with regards to Japanese laborers in the American West Coast.

Under the agreement, Japan was to prohibit its citizens from migrating to the US for work without the US government`s permission. In return, the US agreed to allow Japanese children already living in the US to attend school without being segregated based on their race.

This agreement was significant because it represented a discriminatory policy against Japanese immigrants, and it had numerous consequences. For example, it led to the US government`s denial of passports to Japanese immigrants, and it made it very difficult for Japanese immigrants to bring their families to the US.

Furthermore, there were significant implications for Japanese American citizens, as they often faced discrimination and exclusion from various aspects of American life. The Gentlemen`s Agreement is an unfortunate reminder of the discriminatory policies that proliferated in the United States during this time period.

In the end, the US 1907 Gentlemen`s Agreement with Japan was a significant development in the history of anti-Asian racism. Although the agreement was eventually superseded by other immigration policies, its legacy lives on as a reminder of the dangers of discriminatory policies and their lasting impact on communities of color.