As a professional, I know the importance of using clear and concise language to effectively convey a message. One phrase that holds significant weight in the legal world is «anything less than substantial performance is a material breach of contract.»

This phrase essentially means that if one party fails to fulfill their responsibilities outlined in a contract to a significant degree, it can be considered a breach of contract. A material breach is one that is serious enough to warrant legal action or termination of the contract.

It`s important to note that not all breaches of contract are created equal. Minor breaches, also known as immaterial breaches, do not typically warrant legal action and can often be resolved through negotiation or mediation.

However, a material breach can have significant consequences for both parties involved. The party that has fulfilled their responsibilities may be entitled to damages or may be able to terminate the contract altogether. The party that has failed to perform may be held liable for any resulting losses or damages.

To avoid any misunderstandings or disputes, it`s crucial to ensure that all parties involved in a contract have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. This includes outlining specific performance requirements and deadlines, as well as addressing any potential issues or obstacles that may arise.

In summary, «anything less than substantial performance is a material breach of contract» is a powerful statement that emphasizes the importance of fulfilling contractual responsibilities. As a copy editor, it`s important to use clear and concise language that effectively conveys the intended message, especially in legally binding agreements.